Cultural planning is an essential part of developing regeneration strategies for communities. This is a global movement that started as a response to shifting economics and demographic changes. Many communities suffer from economic decline and shrinking populations. Incorporating cultural planning into a community’s toolkit of strategies helps revitalize downtowns and regions.
Reinholt Consulting helps to fortify cultural organizations by acting as a guide through a comprehensive planning process that leads to the discovery of top priorities. Essential to this is conducting an assessment of the reach, value, and relevance of cultural strengths. Reaching out to all facets of the public to gain their input gives a scope of how changing populations value, perceive, and identify existing cultural opportunities. This allows an organization or community to fine tune their vision based on what the community needs and desires.
Reinholt Consulting serves cultural organizations and community stakeholders by guiding, listening, preparing, gathering data, organizing and assessing public outlooks, writing an assessment report, integrating feedback, and writing a cultural plan supported with the collected data.