Creative People These are the producers of the creative economy and include entrepreneurs, scientists, academics, and employees of creative sector industries such as design companies and technology firms.
Centers of Education Schools, even at the K-12 level, contribute to the creative economy by providing workforce training or the foundation for it. Colleges and universities fulfill the sector’s research and development needs, attract creative people, and serve as the centers where creative people convene.
Cultural & Natural Amenities Cultural amenities include the local art and music scene, historic districts and buildings, arts and cultural institutions, restaurants, and cultural events and festivals. Amenities based on the natural environment such as hike/bike paths, public waterfronts, park systems, and facilities for outdoor sports functions are equally important. Especially in rural areas, it may be the remote and pristine setting itself which draws people to that place.
Business Engagement Support of the creative economy by businesses, whether or not they are part of the creative sector, is important. In rural locations where the local economy has a small business base, a single company can give local development a big leg up.
Infrastructure Infrastructure is the basic service framework that makes it possible to support not only the creative economy’s suppliers but also the tourists, retirees, and consumers of its product. Convenient access to transportation networks and communication systems, including Internet access, is part of an area’s infrastructure. So, too, are affordable housing, hotel/motel accommodations, hospitals, and public safety services.
Networks Communications among important actors on a face-to-face basis are critical. Networks may be formal or informal but must transcend the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to be effective. Examples include Chambers of Commerce, trade associations, art councils, government agencies, and stakeholder groups from across sectors gathered together for a project.
Strategies These are purposeful plans or schemes developed by a community to stimulate creative economy growth and apply scarce resources to this end in a purposeful and systematic manner. They may include policies and programs such as tax credits, affordable housing, workforce training, and/or other actions, decisions, and resource allocations to advance the goal.
Leadership The initial seed for developing creative assets comes from the vision and commitment of either a single person or group of people. Continuing leadership over an extended period of time is necessary to ensure that initiatives maintained their momentum.
Money Whether from government grants, private philanthropy, or local fundraising, the higher the level of financial resources the faster the pace in developing a creative economy strategy, and on a grander scale than places with lower levels.
Time Building a creative economy takes time. In the absence of money, voluntary or in-kind resources may go a long way but can take the process only so far. Even with strong financial investment, persistence over time is a necessary component.